This is a unique stack for the demands of the industry today. It has a 25.5x25.5 M2 (Whoop) mount pattern because there are now many frames that are designed with that pattern, including ALL of our frames at FPVCycle. Additionally, there can now be one universal mount from Whoop class through 7" and even light 8".
We brought you the original 'Toothpick' AIO concept and never imagined it would reach the level it has today with AIOs. The problem is that high powered AIO boards are way overpriced due to the forever chip shortage and still have a high failure rate. Much of the failures are associated with the cramped space constraints of of the small board. We split the ESC and FC but called for the ESC to have a nearly empty top side and the FC to have nearly all it's components on the bottom and sit inside the footprint of the ESC solder pads. ALL of the FC's solder pads are also on the TOP. When you assemble the stack inside your frame, you will be able to access and solder ALL pads on BOTH boards. Additionally, the FC has a black box chip which is rare on AIO boards.
Overall, this stack can be used for everything from 3" through 6" and some 7" (we haven't tested more than 2508 7" yet). For now, we cautiously recommend motors no bigger than 2508. The ESC drives 50A-60A which makes it very capable but we've labeled the stack as 45A because that's just more reasonable and we don't like ridiculously false ratings. Blheli-S was used because we haven't seen significant enough improvements with Blheli32 in the real world to justify the extreme costs of today.
What's been described above is just the surface of the design spec. DarwinFPV is just the first company to get a product out with our general design specs. They didn't execute everything 100% perfect but it's pretty darn close and in our tests, have functioned well. (The FC is supposed to sit inside the empty space of the ESC but barely doesn't in this case) Any company is free to replicate the design and we request that they contact us so we can better aid them in the design at zero charge.
We want nothing more than to avoid wasting development potential. If someone's spending the energy and money, we want to make the best possible use of it.
The included capacitor is the bare minimum that should be used. Please consider adding a spike absorber to this. Please please please use the capacitor correctly or it won't work.