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99.9% AWESOME Reviewed 5 Out of 5
Rotor Village is a FPV drone shop based in Canada driven to put the best top quality gear into the hands of Canadian FPV racing and freestyle pilots in record time!
The RVS Mopax is a must for any fpv pilot that likes to send it fully! Hence the name Mopax (more packs) as always shipping is extremely fast with Rotor Village and for the avg to new builder this frame hits it out of the ball park. Build wise was very easy to assemble and get flying. overall the best looking frame I have. 10/10 would recommend this fRead more about review stating Better then the rest!rame as a must have. The Mopax is now my daily flyer!
Great strap, like it so much ordering another one. A good strap is essential for fit and feel, and to take weight of the face to the strap itself.
it's pretty loud ,but not super loud, price was good and easy to install.Don't forget to pull the tape off the end, otherwise it's not very loud ......lol.
Its 17g. Forget 1507, 1606 or 1805. This is the best 5" toothpick motor. Its got power, efficiency, and smooth large bearing.
A flying 18650 battery, now I can keep a few charged up batteries if I have a last minute chance to fly and not have to worry about LiPo fires! 5 Stars!!
I am glad this package exists. This is everything you need on the quad side to get your drone to connect to your transmitter. The Immortal T is a great antenna along with the nano and wiring and heat shrink you're good to go with this package.
Rotor Village is a FPV drone shop based in Canada driven to put the best top quality gear into the hands of Canadian FPV racing and freestyle pilots in record time!
Located in the center of Canada allows for very quick shipping to your front door!